
Amazon Prime Day 買咗張 Gift Card!

Posted on October 13, 2020

[Amazon Prime Day] 唔知買乜好, 所以就買張 Gift Card, 賺個 $10. 買 $40 Amazon GC 直接賺 $10 Credit. 先要點入下面條 Link, Activate 哩個 Deal 先 https://amzn.to/33WXMts 購買小貼士: 我張Chase Freedom 信用卡本季經Paypal在 Target / Walmart / Amazon 等商家購物, 可以賺取 5X 積分. 所以首先創建一個 PayPal Key, 把這張信用卡連埋一齊. PayPal Key 可以獲得一個 MasterCard嘅號碼. 然後將哩個 MasterCard號碼加到Amazon帳戶. Check out時揀哩張卡. 咁Amazon 就會charge 落我張 Chase Freedom 卡, 輕鬆賺取 5X積份. 最後將賺取嘅 40 x 5 = 200分轉到 Chase Sapphire Reserve卡, 每分當 $0.015. 即有 $3 credit. 算係慳咗少少。反正我都響 Amazon 買狗糧比Donut同排骨 😉

Staples Apple Airpods Pros $165.02 + Tax !

Posted on October 11, 2020

哇哇哇打到嚟 – Staples Apple Airpods Pros 只需要 $165.02 + Tax !! Step by Step 如下: (1) 用哩條Link申請1個 Rakuten acc https://www.rakuten.com/r/HKTIGE3?eeid=28187 (2) Sign in 咗之後, 用 Rakuten 打開 Staples網頁, search Apple Airpods Pros (3) 加入購物車, 比錢 注意: 你即時係要比 $199.99 + tax, 但係 Rakuten 會比返 $30 cashback + 2% cashback 俾你 快啲啦. 應該好快會賣哂.

Apple AirPod Pros New for $200! RUNNN

Posted on October 10, 2020

Costco is selling Apple AirPods Pro for only $199! Saved $30! This is one of the popular gift for this holiday season! Get it before it is too late. Direct Link:https://www.costco.com/apple-airpods-pro.product.100525619.html

Rakuten 12% cash back on Lancôme (today only)

Posted on October 9, 2020

今日睇到Ebates/Rakuten有一個幾好嘅deal – 響 Lancôme 購物, 可以享有12% cash back.如果有需要買一啲護膚品, 化妝品, Foundation 等,可以今日入手!Dyson, Pet smart 同埋 Petco 都有提供6% cash back. (Today Only)如果你仲未申請 Ebates/Rakuten, 大家可以用我哩條Link申請. 當你完成第1次購物後, 你同我都會有 $30. 🤑🤑 Limited time offer https://www.rakuten.com/r/HKTIGE3?eeid=28187


Posted on October 8, 2020

今日學識咗一個方法可以慳少少地稅,想同大家分享一下。 今朝早上網睇到哩個優惠. 當你購買 $200 Visa Gift Card時,唔需要比額外嘅購買費用。每人最多可限買5張. In-store only 一開初唔係好明哩個點係一個 Good deal. 經過研究後,原來哩個可以用嚟做好多野。 舉一啲例子: 用來衝信用卡開卡禮:新開嘅信用卡,通常都有任務。響頭一段時間 (通常係3個月) 之內,使用該卡消費滿指定金額後,就可以獲得一些點數或credit.有啲朋友平日無乜需要開支,所以有啲困難唔知買乜好。咁岩就有哩個優惠,可以買咗哩個禮卡先,日後再點用都得。Visa卡又大多數地方都收。所以都幾方便 用帶信用卡的優惠, 獲得更多的 %discount:如果你有一張信用卡係響 Staple 消費可以獲得 5%的cash back,換句話嚟講,你買哩個 Visa 卡,就可以響有 5% 嘅折扣優惠。然後有啲朋友係會用哩張 Visa 卡再轉買 Costco / Amazon / Target 禮卡。咁就輕鬆拎到 5% 折扣啦 最後要回歸主題,點樣可以慳地稅呢? 就同第2 個例子相近。使用一張帶 3 – 5% cash back 信用卡,購買後, 用來付地稅。小編住嘅政府交地稅網站,如果俾信用卡,係會收取 2.25%嘅手續費。即係話如果說你有 3% 嘅cashback, 即係都慳到少少錢。如下附圖用了要個 5% cashback 例子。 如果你買咗 $1,000 visa 禮卡, 用5% cash back 信用卡比錢,咁就可以一共拎返 $50. 上網比地稅, 收你2.25%嘅手續費, 最後就慳咗 $27.50. 如果要比 $4,000 地稅, 咁買 $4,000禮卡, 咁就慳咗 $27.50 x 4 = $110 $110/$4,000 x 100 = 2.75% —  總共慳咗2.75%嫁.. 抵唔抵就見人見志。但係至少都幫你慳咗少少. 好多投資回報都未必有2%. 今日講到哩到啦.

iPhone 6 或 7 升級系統後減慢官司賠償

Posted on October 5, 2020

如果大家之前有用過 iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus, iPhone 6s, iPhone 6s Plus, iPhone 7, iPhone 7 Plus,就可能有機會付合條件去拿取這宗對蘋果公司嘅官司補償. 蘋果公司之前推出 iOS 10.2.1之後, 很多用家都認為整個iOS系統速度變得非常慢.大家必需要在10月6日前, 網上填表去申請這個補償. 賠償金額不定. 視乎有多少人申請. 所以如果最後拿到$5 or less … 大家就不要炮轟我啦. 大家快點找出自己 iPhone 的序號.*如果沒有iPhone的序號, 也可以提供自己的蘋果帳戶. 他們能自行搜尋. 滿方便的. 傳送門: https://www.smartphoneperformancesettlement.com

星期六 – 為購買 iPhone 12 Pro Max 作事前準備

Posted on October 3, 2020

This post contains references to products from one or more of our advertisers. We may receive compensation when you click on links to those products. 為咗要以最平嘅方式去Upgrade我部 iPhone X, 所以就著手開始準備. 等到 Apple 10月出 iPhone 12嘅時候, 就可以慳少少錢. 今日 Target 最後一日買 $100 Apple iTune Gift Card 送 $10 Target Gift Card.  由今年8月1日開始, Apple.com 開始接納 iTune Gift Cards 用於購買 Apple devices. 以往 iTune Gift Cards 只適用於 App store上購買 Apps, 歌,或電影.  購買操作參考指南:(1) 首先log in Paypal, 設定 Chase Freedom 卡為付費卡 (2) 去Chase.com Activate 第4季優惠: 用Paypal付費, 可有5倍積分 (3) 然後用 Ebates / Rakuten 打開Target.com – Check out 記得分開Check out. 否則就無辦法拎到$10. 每一個Transaction買一張 $100 iTune gift card. 折扣詳情:(1) Chase Freedom提供5陪積分, 賺到後, 把積分轉到 Chase Sapphire Reserve (CSR) 卡, 變成7.5%折扣.  數學公式:$100 消費 = 500 積分. 轉到 CSR後,每1分值 $0.015 x 500 = $7.5  (即7.5%優惠) (2) $10 Target gift card =Read More

星期五檔案 – 購買吾妻蘋果電腦的策略技巧

Posted on October 2, 2020

This post contains references to products from one or more of our advertisers. We may receive compensation when you click on links to those products.  每年蘋果約在8月底開始推出 Back-to-School 優惠推廣活動。學生優惠價購買的設備,跟你到蘋果店或Apple.com購買的是一樣。而且價錢是稍為便宜一些。今年還額外贈送AirPod耳機! 其實蠻划算的。 策略: Discounted gift card >> Student discount program >> credit card promotion (0% interest split payment or additional discount)  >> Ebates/Rakuten check out 金額: $249 – AirPods Pro$19 — USB Type C to USB adapter$1,899 — 13” Macbook Pro– $159 —- Airpod折扣$4 ——— Recycle fee$215 —— Apple care+ for MBP$172.28 —- 7.75% Tax總數: $2,399.28 節省:Read More

UberEats / DoorDash / Grubhub Promo Codes 今週整理9.26

Posted on September 26, 2020

為咗方便大家 Weekend唔洗煮飯,我整理咗哩個 UberEats / DoorDash / Grubhub 折扣碼. 大家盡情享用. 有啲可能係 Targeted Promo.睇吓好唔好彩.  Grubhub: MAGICBAG5 — 下兩個單, 每個單買滿$15減$5. (某啲地區得. 我唔中) https://bit.ly/2FUbNiA — 第1次用Grubhub買野食, 可以減$10 (只適用新用戶) UberEats: FALLEATS — 下兩個單, 有30%折扣. (每個單最多減$15) 9.30 expire EATS-UBERKAKEILEE — 第1次用Uber Eats買野食,可以減$7. (只適用新用戶) TOMAYTO — 下一個單減$20 TOMAHTO — 下一個單減$20 Doordash: PICK30SEPT30C — 自己pick up可享有30%折扣. 9.27 expire DDSAVE50 – 下兩個單, 有50%折扣. (每個單最多減$25) 9.27 expire DDSAVE50X2 – 下兩個單, 有50%折扣. (每個單最多減$25) 9.27 expire DDSAVE75 – 下兩個單, 有75%折扣. (每個單最多減$25) 9.27 expire CHACHINGX2 – 下個單, 可享有20%折扣. (最多減$10) 9.30 expire CAVWELCOME10 – 下個單, 可享有10%折扣. 9.30 expire CONV25 – 第1次的convenience店買野 (CVS, Walgreens or 7-11), 可享有25%折扣. 最多減 $20)  https://drd.sh/bn1c5v/ —- 頭3次用Doordash買野食, 每個單可以減$5.  希望大家可以安心坐響屋企享受豐富美食. 如果大家鐘意哩啲慳錢post,請記得分享. 我現在亦都接受捐款支持, , 大家可以scan 以下QR code. 多多益善, 小小無拘. Thank you!

Masterclass Student discount offer. Only 9.17.2020

Posted on September 17, 2020

[Today Only] Masterclass student discount. 1 year access for $1 only! One DOLLAR! You can learn & master the skills from the world famous people such as Gordon Ramsay, Wolfgang Puck, deadmau5, Bob Iger, Penn & Teller and more.(1) Have a .edu email address(2) sign up within TODAY 9.17.2020(3) verify your .edu email(4) pay Side note: (A) Chase / BOA may have a Masterclass $15 credit off to make it completely free for 1 year. Make sure you add thatRead More


Posted on September 12, 2020

[無料資訊放送] 今年都唔知做乜鬼嘢, 又疫情又山火. 搞到個個都唔可以正常出街玩. 局住要留響屋企玩手指 由於我哋要狸埋響屋企好長時間, 揀番個好嘅 Air Filter就變得好重要.  有見及此, 我今朝早就做咗少少research. 睇咗 Consumer Report..佢地評 Air Filter 係會睇個隔塵網嘅阻隔塵粒, 煙嘅能力, 加埋空氣流動能力. 有啲牌子阻隔能力好好, 但就一啲空氣都過唔到.咁就會搞到間屋好局好炆. 又有啲牌子嘅隔塵網好似響街市載蒜頭果啲袋咁透, 乜都阻隔唔到. 淨係得個樣. 以下哩款, 係 Consumer Report 推薦, 又高分, 但又唔會 Break our wallet 嘅隔塵網. Filtrete 1900 Maximum Allergen Reduction 哩款阻隔塵粒同煙係拎 5 分, 空氣流動能力係 4 分 (5分為滿分)。總分係 65分 大家可以響 Lowe’s到買得到.  1 粒賣緊  $20+tax. 買4個同款同尺寸嘅, 就再會有 additional 20% discount. 都幾划算. 有 Free in-store pick up 或 Free shipping.   傳送門: 按我 溫馨提示: 記得睇下自己屋企個 Filter 尺寸先買呀. 如果大家平日有買開 Lowe’s discount gift card, 就仲可以慳得更多 響 Consumer Report 再高分嘅, 就會係賣成 $40 – $80 一粒。唔推薦. 因為真係好 Q貴. (除非你好有錢.) 最後, 我有compare過 Costco 賣果個 3M Filtrete Healthy Living 2200. (賣緊$60 on Costco.com) Consumer Report 評價無 Filtrete 1900 好。得分 59.  所以大家可以試下去Lowe’s 到買嚟用下. 記得要揀 MERV 13 等級或以上先可以阻隔到山火啲煙味嫁

Rogaine Special on Amazon! 15% off

Posted on March 5, 2020

Today Only! Hurry Up & subscribe now!Amazon is offering 15% off coupon for Rogaine products.  click below link, and it will clip the 15% coupon. Then you subscribe it. (this 15% coupon only apply to the 1st subscription order, then you can cancel this subscription to take advantage of) https://amzn.to/2Tqa6xa

Similac Formula Super Deal!

Posted on February 26, 2020

For those who is looking for Similac formula, here is a really good deal! Amazon is offering 40% off coupon for 3 cans. After the coupon, it is going to be $23.76 per can! Hurry & place order now https://amzn.to/3ce7tpq

extendable LED ring light

Posted on February 22, 2020

never know the LED ring light can be extend. This is soooo coool! Now it is on lightning deal + 20% coupon! It is just less than $100! so cheap! https://amzn.to/32jNDor

Anker Qi-certified wireless charging stands on sale!

Posted on February 22, 2020

Anker Qi-certified wireless charging stands is on sale now. Once you get use to the wireless charging, you do not want your charging cable anymore. Anker is one of the top notch brand for gadget accessories. Reliable and Quality are good! Check it out https://amzn.to/2HYYmLH

週末文字隨寫感染你的思路 — 第1篇之逆向思維找出路

Posted on February 22, 2020

在過去十多年, 我們都經歷中國大陸的經濟起飛所帶來的震撼影響.不管世界那個角落, 都因有中國人的存在而發生某程度上的改變. 相信大家都看見有中國人的地方,經濟和城市設計也較繁榮,五光十色. 就連在美國的購物商場, 也要打一些殘體字廣告,與中國一些銀行和信用卡合作提供優惠. 甚麼自助旅行團, 購物團, 代購團, 生孩團, 全都推出來給中國人選擇. 當然每一件事都有好有壞. 中國人的劣性, 相信大家都有多有少領略過. 隨地大小便, 吐痰氣功了得, 不排隊直接插隊. 最差的可能是甚麼都用錢來打壓其它人. 有錢就好辦事的道理. 完美地破壞人之初性本善的基本人格.  好了, 現在中國終於自食其果. 被自己改造出來的病毒侵食整個國家, 從中國民生, 經濟,餐飲,產業全部重重的受創. 完本經濟大好前途, 仍可以多走至少五至十年的經濟起飛, 現在就是倒退好幾步. 多國的封殺中國人的措施都在實施. 換句話來道出事實: 這個遊戲, 我們都不想中國人參與, 也不想與中國人打交道. 現在在美國, 看到亞洲人一聲咳嗽, 就馬上調頭走. 因為大家都不想被感染這個新型武漢肺炎.  以我的所見所聞, 看來這次武漢肺炎, 將會令中國元氣傷. 也連累了全世界的經濟. 因為過去十多年, 我們確實太過依賴中國來賺取金錢過活. 中國製造曾經是比較便宜, 但質量和服務就真的還有待改進. 現在正大好時機, 靜心坐下來細細思考, 你的生意賺錢模式, 是否也太過依賴中國人? 例如你的餐館生意, 是否一直都只有中國人來光顧? 現在中國人都不敢外出時, 生意是否一塌糊塗, 水靜河飛?   若你的主要顧客 (Target Audience)就只單一靠中國人, 那就是太專主了. 是時候要想一下如何改變, 可以吸引更多不同國藉文化的人來光顧你的店. 襯現在週末, 就花一兩個小時來想一想吧. 題目: 如何不單靠中國人來賺取可觀收入. 給個溫馨提示: 查看香港黃之鋒搶購到口罩的思維計劃. 除了生意上的影響外, 其實我們的民生也受著一定程度影響. 你想一想, 平日你買的電子產品, 衣服, 有多少是中國製造? 我們世界最大的供應鏈現在正受著武漢肺炎衝擊. 中國大部份工廠都未能完全回復產能. 所以, 在未來數個月裡, 可能有些產品或物質將會未能及時提供而價格會提升一點. 最實在的例子, 將會是醫學用的口罩.  總括而言, 未來半年, 最好多存些錢, 減少外出. 世界經濟將受武漢肺炎帶來一片慘淡時期. 祝各位讀者身體健康.

Hello Kitty Funko Pop is available for pre-order now

Posted on February 22, 2020

Calling all Hello Kitty Fans! Funko Pop is available for pre-order now. It will be launching on June 1st, 2020! Hurry up and pre-order yours now! https://amzn.to/2PexISI


Posted on February 10, 2020

我終於響Amazon搵到神級3M高檔次保護套裝 絕對可以防範今次既武漢肺炎!防飛沬又保護眼睛. 老老豆豆, USD$1,399.95 保住條命仔真係一啲都唔貴. 又型又可以戴頭盔! 親仲有現貨, 大家快啲買啦 https://amzn.to/2UGJWXO

65″ Smart TV deal! only $450!

Posted on January 18, 2020

WoW TCL 65″ 4k UHD Roku Smart TV is only $450! That’s a super deal! Hey, It is 65″ Hey It is 4K Hey it is SMART TV!Get it now here on Amazon (Clip the coupon) https://amzn.to/30IIaGZ

New Year this deal is back! 18″ LED Ring Light kit! (60% off)

Posted on January 18, 2020

This product super deal is back in new year 2020! This LED ring light kit is super cool! It is big and super bright. It also comes with all the accessories allow you to get started. It also comes with the cell phone mount. In couple minutes, you can instantly become professional Youtuber / Facebook Live performer! Light source is one of the most important element to be success on doing video! Get it now with promo code: 60B8KOU6 SaveRead More

31.5″ app control fiber track rail is 45% off!

Posted on January 18, 2020

This is one of the tool that bring your photograph skill to next level. It is a camera slider with super quite motorized. Perfect to do Time Lapse Video shot, 120 Degree panoramic shot for DSLR cameras. It can load up to 22lbs. Support smart phone (iOS and Android) driven the motor. A rechargeable replacement Li-ion battery with USB charger. Light weight & balance design. Made of Carbon fiber and aluminum alloy. It is 45% off w/ code: 45FBNW012 fromRead More

Fire and Ice video shot by iPhone 11 Pro!

Posted on January 5, 2020

WoW, this is really cool! iPhone 11 Pro camera is truly awesome! Capture videos to a different level! Check this video out!

A security FHD camera support Apple HomeKit!

Posted on January 5, 2020

Finally, the Eufy Security FHD 1080p cameras are supported the Apple HomeKit! Here is the review on Youtube (Credit: LifeHackster) If you like his review video, please subscribe his Youtube channel for showing some support. If you like this post, please buy from this link for supporting me. Thank you https://amzn.to/2ZUsBv2 For now, you can even save $30 purchase from Amazon with FREE One-Day shipping for Amazon Prime Member! This is a really great deal for home security camera! ItRead More

Baby Yoda Pre-Order Live on Amazon, Star Wars the 11″ plush toy, The Mandelorian

Posted on December 7, 2019

WoW 11″ Baby Yoda Plush Toy! Pre-order now! Have you watch latest #StarWar series #Mandalorian on #DisneyPlus channel? Baby #Yoda is soooo cute! 😍#StarWarFan Get it here: https://amzn.to/2s2wXnk

Lowest Price iRobot i7+!

Posted on December 1, 2019

I had an eye on this iRobot since last year #blackfriday. This year, it finally has a pretty good deal now. It is only $699! Amazon allows 5 split monthly payment. Make it easy to afford one. This is a great iRobot, it comes with a station that the robot can do the self-cleaning and charge up. Then it takes off and do another round of cleaning! Now it is a good time to get it! Check it out here:https://amzn.to/2R8pn4U

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